
'... no longer any credibility'

NBC and MSNBC called it a “bulletin.”

“Bulletin” is the strongest term used in measuring the importance of breaking news.

News important enough to be reported by NBC’s Washington Bureua Chief and host of “Meet the Press” Tim Russert.

Here’s what Russert said. But, even more important is the tenor of his voice as he reported.

If you missed the report, please view the the video, via the link at the end of this post, for its full impact.

BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC Nightly News: Tonight we’re also able to report new and exclusive details on the politics of the war in Iraq, specifically involving President Bush and members of his own party. For that we are joined by our Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert. What do we know?

TIM RUSSERT: Brian, all eyes on the Republican Party. How long will they support the president’s position on the Iraq war? Yesterday may have been a defining pivotal moment. At 2:30 in the afternoon in the private quarters of the White House, the Salarium room, 11 Republican congressmen had a private meeting with the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, the chief political adviser Karl Rove and the White House Press Secretary Tony Snow and others. It was headed by Mark Kirk of Illinois and Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania. It was, in the words of one of the parties, “the most unvarnished conversation they’ve ever had with the president.” Another member said he has met with three presidents and never has been so candid. They told the president, and one said, “My district is prepared for defeat. We need candor, we need honesty, Mr. President.” The president responded, “I don’t want to pass this off to another president. I don’t want to pass this off, particularly, to a Democratic president,” underscoring he understood how serious the situation was.

Brian, the Republican congressman then went on to say, “The word about the war and its progress cannot come from the White House or even you, Mr. President. There is no longer any credibility. It has to come from Gen. Petraeus.”

The meeting lasted an hour and 15 minutes and was, in the words of one, “remarkable for the bluntness and no-holds-barred honesty in the message delivered by all these Republican congressmen.”

WILLIAMS: And Tim, in the seconds remaining, how did the president react, and how then did this affect the instructions for Vice President Cheney heading off to Iraq.

RUSSERT: One congressman said, “How can our sons and daughters spill their blood while the Iraqi government goes on vacation?” The president responded, “The vice president is over there to tell them, do not go on vacation.”

WILLIAMS: Tim, as always, thanks. Transcript: LINK

Now, listen to TV veteran Russert as he gives the report. Its news value is apparent. Video: LINK

At 8:30 a.m., White House Press Secretary Tony Snow told MSNBC's Joe Scarborough this report is "much ado about nothing." We'll see.


A second, brief post follows.


Anonymous said...

Listening to a faceless Congressperson from Illinois, who was in the meeting, speak to John Roberts on CNN this morning, Frodo concluded that not every participant had the same message. This hodad said the President heard their criticisms as if he had not previously heard disparaging comments about his Iraq Policy. For "an hour and 15 minutes" the 11 participants held a frank discussion. The conclusion from this participant was that the meeting was really no big deal. Perhaps Frodo is too jaded to be hopeful that this Incomparable Moron will ever exhibit a vestige of common sense.

airth10 said...

I think it is quite possible that the strategy for the war will be taken out of the hands of the White House, because of its incompetence and lack of credibility.