
Mayhem and mirth

“Mayhem Moments” in the morning news was the subject of Mike Nizza’s “The Lede” blog on 16 August 2007 (New York Times).

Earthquake in Peru. Flooding in North Korea. Tropical depression in Texas. Hurricane in the Caribbean. U.S. stocks set for heavy losses. Deaths in Mosul, Iraq. Trapped miners in Utah.

Make you want to go back to bed and pull your security blanket over your head!

Comments left by visitors are often better than the blog author’s efforts. To-wit:

“If you think this is mayhem, just wait a few more weeks.

“I predict a global economic crisis. Fuel prices will rise to $14 a gallon. An explosion in Iraq that will kill 10,000. Karl Rove will announce he is running for president. Hillary Clinton will scratch Obama’s eyes out with her fingernails. Bush will survive a falling tree at the ranch. 9/11 will be revealed as an inside job. Florida will submerge all the way to Apalachicola. O.J. Simson will do it again. And, Don Imus will be chosen head of the FCC.

“Of course, I could be wrong. ”

- Posted by Jason Wolffe

“Where’s Pat Robertson when we need him to tell us that some great big invisible paternal figure who lives in the sky, who created the entire universe, has nothing better to do than to exact retribution on his children by orchestrating the confluence of these horrific events?

“The pasty, Bible-wielding manics, driving gas-guzzling SUVs with a lead-painted, Chinese-made ‘Support Our Troops’ yellow ribbon on the tailgate, must be swooning at the prospect of the End Times. Proclaiming their faith, they’ll soon be plucked from the face of the Earth in their birthday suits and be relieved of these hellish gasoline prices forever, all the while denying that global warming is a reality and that we’re sacrificing inordinate blood and treasure in Iraq for oil.

“What better reason to invade Iran than to hasten the Second Coming, making all the consequences of gaining and burning their oil irrelevant? That is, unless you’re a heathen Muslim or Jew or Hindu or — gasp — atheist, in which case you’re in for a good ass-kicking by an omnipotent being when all this happens.

“That’s gonna hurt — on second thought, I’d better send Robertson a tithe - and quick.”

— Posted by trippin

In my experience, if you don’t read the comments posted here, you’re missing the better part of my blog.


airth10 said...

Bush was asked, what keeps you so irrational about the real world when you seem to be so close to the the real world. He answered, Gonzales and Cheney.

With Gonzales now gone I wonder if he is now becoming more realistic about things. Probably not, since he is still the main "separator", his own chief hurdle between reality and fiction.

B.J. said...

Spaceman: Wouldn't mind your "rapture" comment and link if you actually took the time to read my blog. Thanks. BJ

Anonymous said...

This discussion is comparable only to walking in and sitting down to watch the movie "A Clockwork Orange, then to discover that you have missed the first hour.

B.J. said...


I couldn't agree with you more. Here's what I got out of this discussion:

Dum Dee Dum Dum, Driftwood@