
Changing times

If your baby just turned 40, you will remember the lethal odor of the diaper pail and rinsing out dirty diapers by hand before washing and hanging them on the clothesline.

One milestone of women’s lib was the advent of disposable diapers.

Now, there’s a lot of talk in the news about “diaperless babies.” The idea is to leave the diaper off the baby, observe facial grimaces and listen for grunts, then take the wee one to the toity.

Apparently, all this is to prevent diaper rash. And, save money on those expensive throwaways. And, maybe save a few trees in the process.

Doctors say until babies reach a certain age they have no control over the muscles which make all this necessary, and the mother would have to be on guard 24/7.

Who thinks this stuff up? Diaper rash is easily prevented by changing the baby often. Caldesene baby powder, if it’s still around, keeps bottoms dry and rash-free.

I have a great idea for saving money and trees – cloth diapers.

When they make a comeback, here’s a trick for today’s modern mom: running the diaper pins through your hair makes them go through the cloth easily.

The things your mother could teach you!


Anonymous said...

When I was using cloth diapers, Johnson & Johnson had diaper liners which could be flushed down the toity. They are probably still available for those who use cloth diapers. Hanging those diapers in the sunshine does wonders for the diapers and the babies. Yeah, I'm still old fashioned. I like the freshness of line dryed clothes, especially sheets and pillow cases.
Corn starch and/or yogurt does wonders for diaper rash.

Anonymous said...

Frodo admits to a certain amount of sexual bias. There are some secrets he wishes mother-alumni would keep to themselves. As he once said to Bilbo after buying and installing a PC only to learn that Bilbo had never learned to type, "It may have been hell potty-training Frodo, but after spending a week trying to teach you to type, we are even!"

Anonymous said...

What about Butt Paste?