
Healers or tormentors?

Like so many who are willing to take advantage of this “great information highway,” I have known about the practice of “rendering” for years - long before the MSM even got a whiff of it.

“Rendering” is the CIA’s practice of moving prisoners (read: suspected terrorists) to “black sites,” prisons in countries which have no laws restricting the use of torture.

That’s why this note from a friend, "the goddess Athena," fired my curiosity:

“Some strangeness happened within the field of psychology last week. There was a big APA conference, and the topic was a task force report on psychologists' involvement in the rendition and interrogation of detainees held in CIA black sites around the globe. The task force was on whether psychologists should be participating in torture. It created a big uproar and debate among psychologists and a protest. Did you hear about it? The crazy thing was that the task force was made up of nine psychologists, and six of them were from the Department of Defense! Well, you can guess that the task force concluded that it is OK for psychologists to participate in interrogations. Go figure.”

“Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman’s column, “Psychologists in denial about torture,” 22 August 2007, (LINK) gives an excellent recap of the "uproar" within the American Psychological Association (APA).

The rift? Goodman writes:

“Defenders of the APA's position are clear: psychologists need to be present at the interrogations to protect the prisoners, to ensure that the interrogators do not go over the line.

“Critics argue that psychologists are there to help interrogators push the line further and further, to consult with the interrogators on how best to break the prisoners.”

The 148,000-member APA “rejected a moratorium that would have prevented its member psychologists from participating in interrogations at U.S. detention centers at such places as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and secret CIA ‘black sites’ around the world.”

The ACLU’s Anthony Romero had warned the APA: "We have found troubling evidence of the collusion of medical psychologists in the development and implementation of procedures intended to inflict psychological harm on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other facilities."

Ms. Goodman concludes her column using Romero’s final plea to the APA:

"The history of torture is inexorably linked to the misuse of scientific and medical knowledge. As we move fully into the 21st Century, it is no longer enough to denounce or to speak out against torture; rather, we must sever the connection between healers and tormentors once and for all. As guardians of the mind, psychologists are duty bound to promote the humane treatment of all people."

How does it go? "First, do no harm ..."


Anonymous said...

What would Joe Galloway have to say about this? For that matter John McCain? Those of us who happen to believe that American troops interned by our enemies are protected by rules of war and decency cannot help but feel outrage that any medical professional would risk their safety. With whatever evidence you have, DO NOT LET THIS ISSUE END HERE!--Frodo

Anonymous said...

My God, Merry, that is so well put. So much of modern life is "treading that line." So much in every respect. What can one get away with. What won't draw the press. How to position a crime to get a hand-full of years. It's our way of life now. It's not good because it wears us down over time, morally. Eowyn, who read in the Portland news that a man hired a killer to kill his wife. The man came and tried to kill her with a hammer (!) and she strangled Him (!) She's had a ruined life here til her husband was implicated. And he is maybe going to get 9 years--his case as a person who hired an assasin is being prosecuted as domestic violence. The story seeks all levels.

Anonymous said...

Six from the "Department of Defense!" Wow!Guess they are following Gonzo's "Rules of Engagement." As for the medical field, they must think that the
"First do no harm..." is just an ancient "old wives tale."

Jan read that the young kids are getting $20,000.00 if they sign up and leave immediately for boot camp. From there it will be to the killing fields. Should they survive, where will they find reputable psychiatrists and/or psychologists to treat them? Will they be outsourced to China for treatment?