
Monday rant - a day late!

Amazingly, this is only the second rant on my blog, and the first was about rapidly advancing technology.

Some mornings I feel defeated. But, I won’t quit speaking out.

I find it stunning how cable news continues to drift to the far right. Conservative hosts outnumber liberals despite the 2006 election outcome and poll numbers which show Americans dissatisfied with the lob performance of the current administration.

Conservative guests are louder and more visible, by far, than the occasional liberal voice.

Soundbites are used to distort the news or actions on Capitol Hill. They are easier to spot when you are aware of the whole story.

This mood was precipitated by blog problems all day yesterday while listening to Republicans on the floor of the U.S. Senate (C-SPAN 2) saying dumbass things like “We have no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. We believe he’s incompetent. But, hey, this is just political theater on the part of the Democrats, and we have more important things to debate.”

They are talking about the highest law enforcement officer in the land.

And, despite valid evidence laid out by Democrats, Republicans managed to stall further debate and block the resolution critical of Gonzales’ performance.

By such tactics and threatened Bush vetoes, Democrats in Congress have their hands tied, which, of course, allows right-wing pundits to opine that they are "doing nothing."

Please don’t be part of “The New Silent Majority!”

Pat Buchanan’s full-time microphone at MSNBC is allowing him to lie, and he knows he’s lying. This morning he said, “ALL of Middle America” is against a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Most major polls indicate otherwise – with as many as 80 percent actually supporting said path.

Your U.S. senators and reps have Web email forms for your convenience. Let them know your stance on issues. Might be the best five minutes you spend all day. And, it will empower you. Your reps in Washington might not agree with you, but they work for you and they will know you exist, for God’s sake.

Being silent allows the rantings of folks like Pat and other far-right pundits to appear legitimate!


Please see next post.

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