
Life has no rewind button

A chilling effect

As a retired journalist, I know about news value and striking a balance between withheld information and “the people’s right to know.”

Please, Mr. Capus et al, stop showing Cho’s video, stop giving this demented soul a voice from the grave.

Untold goodness

Yesterday I heard a young woman, a Virginia Tech student, say, “It’s just the way the world is today.”

No, it’s not.

History has long recorded senseless and isolated acts of violence by mentally deranged individuals.

This is not a modern-day phenomenon.

Exacerbating the horror are satellite broadcasts, ‘round-the-clock news coverge, Internet exchanges at the speed of light and the ever-present video or cell phone camera.

Instant mayhem.

Goodness goes unreported.

Normalcy doesn’t make the news.

Too little, too late

Everyone is trying to psychoanalyze a psycho. It can’t be done.

A system which allowed a young man deemed “an imminent threat to himself and to others” to “fall through the cracks” must share the blame for these deaths.

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