
Seven rights make a wrong

Caught the replay of the GOP debate from New Hampshire last night and came away with one impression: these guys are nuts!

Maybe it was the combination of Fox News’ biased questions, the rehashing of hot-button issues like abortion and illegal immigration, or just the eight candidates attempting to outwit each other, but I found the whole debate tiresome and lacking in spontaneity.

To a man, each candidate had his prepared one-line zinger for Fred Thompson, who was seated in the “Tonight” show studio, yukking it up with Leno and finally entering the fray.

A surreal moment: John McCain’s stuck-record reassurance that the surge in Iraq is “working, it’s working, it’s working.”

The post-debate coverage got equally surreal with Tom Tancredo’s exaltation of torture, egged on by a salivating Sean Hannity.

The Hannity hammer came down on any candidate who didn’t agree with him that we should attack Iran ASAP.

A panel of audience members dubbed Giuliani the loser for talking about nothing but his record as NYC’s mayor.

In typical Fox fashion, Mike Huckabee was declared the winner in a confrontation with Ron Paul, despite audience applause indicating the contrary.

When the Fox News viewer poll revealed the one candidate on stage who made an iota of sense – Ron Paul – had won by a long shot, Hannity and Colmes attributed it to “Paul supporters redialing like crazy.”

With the exception of Paul, there did not seem to me to be an ounce of conviction on stage. These guys know their “base.”

Don’t know which is scarier: nuclear warheads in our friendly skies or the possibility that any one of these spineless self-seekers might be president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The closest any of these lightweights has come to saying anything significant was McCain's response to the college kid who asked him if he'd wondered about dying in office. The closest thing to a true response was Rudy the Adulterer refusing to take a "pledge" to anything but the "Constitution of the United States." I guess that includes his Wedding Vows.