
A timeline to keep

And, so begins the fifth year.

Leave it to the Center for American Progress to come up with a one-stop, fully documented reference site - an outstanding TIMELINE of photos, events and quotes; a diary of the war we call Iraq and the administration that took us there. Take a look: LINK

Dear reader: I clicked on “edit,” then “select all,” “copy” and “paste special” (“unformatted Unicode text”) and transferred this timeline to a new Word document. (If you want the photos included, select “paste special,” then “HTML format.”)

This is all the record and reference you will need when future queries about this war arise. Again: LINK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Frodo's fifth year, he learned to read. Dick and Jane were soon surpassed by Batman, and the Man of Steel. Frodo, I suppose, learned then to dream. Frodo's dreams were joined by other Hobbits, and soon the clamor of play became the face of conflict. Frodo learned how to fight, and to bleed. He also learned that fighting, and bleeding, weren't much fun.
Thank you for the timeline Merry, but Frodo already knows the path, and he would prefer not to walk that way again.