
'My heart will go on'

I’m a glass-half-full gal, a cockeyed optimist, and I’ve never let anything life has thrown at me get me down for long.

I just need to take a break, to back away from the “through the looking-glass” idiocy which is coming to characterize this Democratic campaign.

Last night I heard MSNBC’s Chris Matthews say, “I’m not a member of an organized party; I’m a Democrat.” Better put: that oft-quoted line from Walt Kelly’s “Pogo,” “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

I have regular readers who don’t want to hear any more about “perceived” media bias – bias which is slapping me in the face ‘round the clock. Never in my voting adulthood have I seen anything like it, and I simply do not understand why people are not bothered by its impact. If you don’t believe communications can cultivate groupthink, meet Joseph Goebbels.

Yesterday I left an innocuous little comment on a liberal blog, simply suggesting, in the end, that whoever the Democratic Party’s nominee is – Obama or Clinton – we must all pull together to ensure his or her election. My statement was followed by two lengthy comments denigrating Hillary. From an Obama supporter.

I’ve never considered myself naïve. I knew the far-right would trash a Clinton, but I never expected what is happening in the media and in my own Party.

Hillary Clinton is not a monster. She has spent her life in one form of public service or another. Her supporters are not uninformed anarchists, dashers of hope.

Yesterday I saw Ann Coulter telling an MSNBC anchor she will support and “even work for” Hillary Clinton against John McCain. We know Ann’s game: this pseudosupport might hurt Hillary and sell a few more books in the process.

Through the looking-glass.

As for rules, anything goes, as long as it benefits one’s chosen candidate. As I’ve noted before, the persons who claim rules cannot be broken when it comes to Michigan and Florida, despite the disenfranchisement of millions, are adamant that the rules governing superdelegates must go, because, well, they ignore the popular vote.

I have said repeatedly I will support the Democratic Party nominee, but I’m not getting that promise from fellow Democrats across the blogosphere.

The Democratic Party is blessed with two highly capable and dedicated hopefuls. Both are drawing new people into the political process – a good thing.

I have had both a total stranger and a person I thought I knew well suggest I’m racist because I don’t support Obama. I was not ready for that. To be frank, I have spent more time defending Obama to certain acquaintances than I have defending Hillary.

A comrade in arms of some duration spoke of my support for Hillary being “justified.” I don’t have to justify my support for any candidate. I am an American.

No one has called Hillary Clinton stupid. She has campaigned from the outset to appeal to the general electorate.

I believe this with all my heart: this country will not elect a candidate perceived as far left and anti-war. I hope I have to eat those words with a nice side dish of mint jelly. I base them on nothing less that U.S. election history.

Right now, I am heartsick.

But, as the Celine Dion song promises, my heart will go on, and so will this country. The path it takes depends, as it always has, on unity in diversity. Such unity is long overdue. The pendulum swings to the far left and to the far right, but it always comes back to the center. The time has come for a correction.

As I told a boss once, when personal tragedy hit my life, “I might be back in three months or in three days, but I’ll be back.”

I pray the same for my country.


Good Southern Man said...

BJ... BJ... BJ... Listen to my call.

I support Hillary because of the way she is implementing her ideas. For the most part, Her and Obama agree on what needs to happen in this country but I really think that the Obama campaign cannot easily go about these changes in the long run. The end does not justify the means and Hillary's "means" are more realistic and potentially successful than Obamas. Like I said before, If we as a party decide to go with Obama, I will support him because his "ends" are far more benificial than that of the republicans no matter what the "means" are.
I am a gay man and I don't want to be married to my partner because I want there to be a legal union that my partner and I can benifit from that is backed by the country. Marriage is of the church. In a totally ideal situation I wish that the country stopped issuing marriages to straight couples and started issuing unions to both straight and gay couples alike. MARRIAGE IS OF THE CHURCH. There are plenty of churches of different affiliations that will marry gay couples and there are plenty that will continue to only marry straight couples.
Healthcare is a huge issue. I do not want to be in the same situation as before. I was at a middleclass level and had an appendectomy and was immediately thrown below poverty. Yes this is because of the republicans but think of this. I am required to have car insurance but during that time of poverty I had no car insurance because it was an expense that I could not burden. I chose a definite meal rather than an indefinite wreck. That is human nature my friend.
ALSO... I am from Mississippi and moving to Texas proved racism is still in full bloom because what I recieved from this state (even being south) was reverse racism. When people found out that I was from Mississippi, thier smiles turned to horror. It was an amazing thing to see. They immediately assumed that I was a racist. Only after finding out that I was gay did thier frowns turn north again. That is small minded my friend. There are plenty of non-racist straight people in Mississippi and plento of racist gay people in Mississippi. I am glad that I am of the non-racist gays from Mississippi. I guess all this is to say you are going to be hit below the belt because they can't fight fair by addressing the issues. Continue fighting for my sake. Your blood relative. Your nephew who loves you dearly and who is incouraged by your support. Don't stay away too long.


Anonymous said...

Frodo supports Obama, not because he dislikes Senator Clinton, because he feels that the entire relationship of a President-spouse and a President has not been fully vetted in the American psyche. The entire focus of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney was on their perception of an Executive Branch wnich THEY thought had been weakened by Watergate. The imperial perspective of the Bush White House has been largely due to that fact, coupled with the moronic intransigence of George W. Bush. What, pray God, would be the relationship between President Hillary Clinton, Ex-President Bill Clinton, and "Vice President Obama"? Obama going to funerals, while Bill and Hillary make decisions? Frodo thinks not.
Frodo's point is that there is a major philosophical-structural issue here to which we have subordinated our own tendencies as to what is best for our country.
Hillary Clinton could be a great President, but it needs to be said that without her marriage she would not be in a position to claim such a prize. It is Frodo's opinion that, because of her marriage, the possibility is a greater threat than it is a promise. Personalities are not the issue.
Senator Obama is, in Frodo's mind, a generational product, with personal qualities that far surpass one already older than John Kennedy, and with more time in Congress than Abraham Lincoln.

Unfair to Senator Clinton? Perhaps. Is it something about which we should not talk for fear of hurting each other's feelings? That's not even a good question. Would Senator Clinton be a better choice than "Grandpa Amos," despite the issues that concern Frodo? Indubitably.

By the by, Chris Matthews was quoting Will Rogers, and he made the appropriate citation.

Anonymous said...

BJ, I went to hear Hillary speak last night. I was close enough to toss her a "Hillary sign," and I was thrilled to be there. She was fabulous -- such a handsome, brilliant woman.

I have to disagree with Frodo that she wouldn't be where she is without Bill's political career. Her college and law professors would disagree also. She is an outstanding leader and would have risen to the top on her own credentials.

Wish you'd been with me. Don't "dis-blog" too long, BJ. Take a break. Breathe some spring air and come back strong, my friend.


airth10 said...

I found it irresponsible by both Hillary (I support Hillary) and Obama to talk about their wanting to end NAFTA, the trade agreement between Canada and Mexico. They talked that way strictly for Ohio vote. They were pandering to their Ohio audiences and misleading them.

Ohio has lost many of its industrial jobs. But for both to blame on NAFTA for it was a cheap shot. Overall, NAFTA has done well for the American economy.

Industrial jobs have been lost for may reasons. China has gobbled more of those jobs than both of them realize. And Bush policies have contributed to the off-shoring of jobs. Also, Ohio has lost to other states for manufacturing jobs.

Talk about not sticking to the facts and creating a 'straw man' to make one's case, and a bias one at that. Both candidates did just that. So it's not only the media which sometimes is manipulative and misleading. It seems like a game that all are ready to play.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that the real sin of the media is that it has persecuted Hillary. I think the real sin is that it fomented that persecution, now it will foment the "is he ready" side. The media will run it's own campaign. Remember Roller Balls?

When I first saw Hillary running I was struck and hopeful. To this day the media gives her a Joan of Arc visage. I respond to that.

I have come down, down, down with everything I have heard her say and do. I really cannot tell you how many ways I have tried to ignore this. I don't see "a fighter" as clearly as I see a person who will win however it comes about. A person who will accept Obama as a running mate, as she is tearing him apart. Message to the American public: Whatever!

The message I have tried to ignore locally--and this is in the bluest state of the union--is people saying With Absolute Certainty! that if she is the nominee they will vote for McCain! These are democrats and Independents. It's like a Mantra. It is disquieting, to say the least.

Take some time from this. You know your own heart, and you are not to be swayed. But you can be discouraged--and what a waste.

There is a whole constituancy out there who does not see things Clinton as you see them. It goes so far that people may see her as an opportunistic monster. It's not against anyone-- that's not the way people see things in a Democracy.

Only time will tell what either would do as president. That's the point some may want to make about "what will he do?" It's kind of myopic and even not realistic to think we can say what a president would do two years from now! We can look at how the person running is dealing with things and think about how that will work dealing with Iran, Iraq, Us.

The question some ask is how flexible is the person speaking? How honorable?

None of this can be made to come out a certain way by dealing with each other. We are the citizens. We will have to live through this!

My chicken Percy says to take a moment and think of yourself. We love your commentary. It's a long long time for this to go on. Don't . . .don't let the media and the candidates wear you out.

Papamoka said...


Don't ever let the dissenters of your personal opinion on your candidate tear you down my friend. If you need a break then by all means take one but do not give up on what you have proven to do to the best of your ability. That my friend is called writing quality content with sources that back up your opinion of this political race. Something you do very, very well.

Yes, this race is very ugly simply because the heart of America is screaming for change and we all are wearing it on our sleeves. Passion in politics has never been so high in this generations lifetime.

I apologize if one of my readers opinion upset you in any way shape or form. I would hate to think that your light and shining star was deterred by one detractor.

Please do not give up on all of us. We believe in you BJ!

Always a friend,
Mat aka Papamoka

Anonymous said...

Wish I'd said that, Papamoka. I have thought about this thing many times today, and I can't get to the bottom of it.

I can't understand why you are discouraged by the failure of the world at large to have the same opinion. And the press! Jeez! the press has been playing all of us for so many years. What's the surprise? You will see the day that you will know so so many people see through this.

You don't just have an opinion, you have a dream, and what can anyone know of it's outcome? Some of us may feel differently, but what do we know?

I'm surprised, frankly, by your being discouraged. I'm not surprised that you are exhausted--we all are, and most don't have the emotional investment you have right now. But you need to shake that off. You don't need to write, though it helps you work this thing out in your head. And there are others out there that need to hear you. It doesn't matter that your daily readers don't want to hear about media bias. They get a kernal of this or that, even in disagreement.

You follow your heart. I think the worst part of the media is that it is not playing the candidates--it's playing to what "we" want to hear as entertainment. But that's another matter.

Percy says that if you ever had two eagles bearing down on you at one time, and you made it out, you would do all the things you think are good and right. Don't look back. My heart went out that day--no one should be discouraged or afraid.

B.J. said...

Thanks to each of you for the comments. The blogosphere is beginning to read like "Lord of the Flies." Hopefully, civilized discourse will prevail. See you on the flip side. BJ