

Comes the news that “Bush’s Brain” is leaving the administration at the end of the month.

With Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton and "Scooter" Libby gone, and Condi Rice marginalized, the post-operative days of the Bush White House – all 507 of them – will find the “inner circle” of neonconservatives reduced to one – Dick Cheney.

One cannot underestimate the impact of Karl Rove’s legacy on this nation. Bush has called him “The Architect” – a nom de guerre from another period of empire building.

Karl Rove did his job. He put all the players in place. That things went terribly awry can only be blamed on the fact that “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Now, Bush’s “Turd Blossom” will “spend more time with family,” and we are left to count down the days until, hopefully, America takes a turn for the better.


airth10 said...

Another member leaving the sinking ship, before it sinks too further. This way Rove might be able to retrieve something of himself. (I can't image he has family.)

Alberto Gonzales next?

B.J. said...

Yes, Alberto Gonzales.

I should have stated WHY Rove is leaving, but that's obvious. Senator Patrick Leahy and Rep. John Conyers can tell you!

I believe Bush asked him to leave just as I believe he asked Rumsfeld to leave. All the phony crocodile tears and warm embraces are disgusting.

Now, we need to know the bullet Rove and Bush are attmpting to dodge, don't we?


Anonymous said...

Unless Bush gets impeached, he will do a "Scooter Libby" for Rove should he get caught in any of the legal nets for his illegal romps through the Bush oval office on down through the political chain.
Like Rumsfeld, I doubt Rove will be that far away from Bush.

B.J. said...

You are right, "Anon," about a Bush pardon IF Bush is still president.

I heard some legal whiz on TV say Rove would still have the protection of "executive privilege," because Bush has expanded it.

Heard another pundit speculate that it is now Rove's mission to write a book to glorify Bush's legacy. That is a strong possibility.


airth10 said...

Bush sometimes refers to Rove as "turd blossom," a great Texas phrase describing a flower that grows in manure.

The manure it has flourished in is the Bush administration.