
Drowned-out answer

Cable news’ frenzy over Hillary Clinton’s answer to Tim Russert’s question in the most recent Democratic debate apparently drowned out his follow-up question to Barack Obama.

I haven’t heard this reported. Have you?

From the debate transcript (LINK):

BRIAN WILLIAMS, “NBC Nightly News:” Senator Obama, why are you nodding your head?

SEN. BARACK OBAMA: Well, I was confused on Senator Clinton’s answer. I can’t tell whether she was for it or against it, and I do think that is important. One of the things that we have to do in this country is to be honest about the challenges that we face.

Immigration is a difficult issue, but part of leadership is not just looking backwards and seeing what’s popular or trying to gauge popular sentiment; it’s about setting a direction for the country. And, that’s what I intend to do as president.

TIM RUSSERT, ‘Meet the Press:” Are you for it or against it (drivers licenses for illegal immigrants)?

OBAMA: I think that it is the right idea, and I disagree with Chris (Dodd) because there is a public safety concern. We can make sure that drivers who are illegal come out of the shadows, that they can be tracked, that they are properly trained, and that will make our roads safer.

That doesn’t negate the need for us to reform illegal immigration.


Clearly, Barack Obama gave the SAME answer as Hillary Clinton, but his answer was drowned out by cable hosts and analysts waiting to pounce on the campaign’s front-runner.

Now, please read the next post for the rest of the story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir Cumspect, Sir Cumspect, Sir Cumspect please accept a little constructive criticism. First, Frodo has heard the Obama comments specifically addressed on at least three occasions; once by Faux News, once by CBS, and once by MSNBC. Frodo suspects that if he so desired, he would have heard it even more often. Whether or not it has received the emphasis justice might require is another matter.
Secondly, and most important, is the fact that the point is being obliterated by the trees. No rational person wants the "illegal immigrants/undocumented workers" or whatever locked up and shipped back to Mexico. It is the perception that 12 million people can violate the law without consequence. Frodo repeats, without consequence. Hillary, in her best "out-of-touch" imitation has not recognized that fact. She was arrogant enough, and there are varying stages of arrogance, to think that violation of the law, without consequence, is tolerable. That upsets a lot of people who would otherwise be supporters.
The ANSWER the booby should have made was that "We are a nation of laws, and not of men, and that my job as President would be to enforce the laws and the Constitution. It would ALSO be my obligation to recognize that laws sometimes need to be changed in all of our best interests, and I feel that such is the situation here. I would work directly with the Congress to protect all Americans, and to ensure that our economic well-being is not likewise threatened. Unlike the current Administration, I recognize that I am not the fount of all wisdom, and that only by working together can we come up with a safe and sound plan for our future as well as our present. Whether or not that would include some sort of identification card deserves further discussion."
Unfortunately she reminded us of George H.W. Bush and his introduction to a scanner in a grocery store, and how that concerned people that he was out of touch with them.
The polling data you reflect does not address the issue of action without reaction. For every "crime" there must be "retribution."
Frodo still believes this was the best thing that could have happened to Candidate Hillary with a year to go before anything matters.